Ahmad Zulfan Fakhri

Hi! I'm focused and exploring the frontend and leadership areas, and more than 2 years experience. I usually participate in competitions about Business IT, Hacathon, and Cyber Security I also create a YouTube channel which i use as a way to pass on my knowledge to others.

Why choose our Product?

Kami menyadari pentingnya peran desain dan pengembangan dalam mencerminkan identitas merek Anda. Oleh karena itu, produk-produk kami dapat menjadi pilihan optimal.

App Design

Our App Design focuses on creating visually appealing and user-friendly interfaces for mobile apps, ensuring they stand out in the crowded digital landscape.

Web Design

With our Web Design, we create modern and captivating website interfaces. Whether establishing an online presence or refreshing an existing site, our designs aim to leave a lasting impression and provide an intuitive browsing experience.

Web Development

Our Web Development product brings your website to life, emphasizing top-notch performance, functionality, and reliability from concept to launch. We specialize in coding robust, dynamic websites tailored to meet your business's unique needs.

UI/UX Design

UI/UX Design is central to our services, crafting visually and interactively thoughtful digital platforms. We prioritize aesthetically pleasing interfaces that offer a seamless, enjoyable user experience, enhancing overall satisfaction.

Recent Article Releases

Berikut beberapa artikel yang saya tullis. Semoga bermanfaat.

Hemat Listrik: Kontribusi Kecil yang Berdampak Besar
Mengurangi Food Waste untuk dunia yang lebih baik
Jenis-jenis Kekerasan yang sering terjadi dalam Media Sosial
Tips Ampuh: Cara Mudah Memperkuat Keamanan Akun Media Sosial Anda
Artificial Intelligence (AI): Jenis dan Aplikasinya
Sejarah Media Sosial: Dulu VS  Sekarang